October 31st can be a tricky day for an American Christian. While most Americans celebrate the holiday, a Christian may find him/herself wincing. Why? Because our culture has tried to make this day one of fun and costumes. But anyone who has read up on the history of this holiday knows that its roots go back to spiritist and occultic practices.
For religious reasons, our family has chosen not to celebrate Halloween. What is a Christian to do?
Well, as we look back on this day in history, we find that in 1517, a German monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg, Germany. He was protesting against the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church. One such abuse was the sale of indulgences. Johann Tetzel was famous for saying, "As soon as a coin in the coffer rings / the soul from purgatory springs." Luther could not stand for this heresy, and so was granted courage by God to be bold in nailing his complains in the form of these Theses. What resulted from his boldness was an enlightening of the church back to the Biblical doctrine of Justification by Grace through Faith. Ultimately, his action, along with other reformers, was the catalyst God used to bring on the Protestant Reformation.
So what will you do this October 31st? I encourage you to celebrate not in the way the world around us celebrates. Instead, let's rejoice that we are saved by the grace of God without any work or worthiness on our part. Let's rejoice in what He has done in our lives!