Thursday, June 17, 2010

The House of God

The title of my blog is "The House of God" because we are experiencing that reality with our church meeting in our home. The Apostle Paul stated the same in I Timothy 3:15, "...I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." The church of God is described as a house, similar to the foundation of the family that God designed in the Old Testament. In his epistles, Paul sends greetings to churches that meet in homes. For example, in Romans 16:5, he says, "Likewise greet the church that is in their (Priscilla and Aquila's) house."

We've been meeting at our home for church for some time. You may know that we minister at Tamiami RV Park from November through just after Easter. During the rest of the year we meet in our family room for worship. Our church started in 1998, and met at Gulf Coast Village for six years. In the Spring of 2004, we began this chapter of our spiritual pilgrimage and moved our services into our home. It's been a smaller group since that time. We've had families come for a time and then stop. We've had one couple come for awhile and then move away. Each time there is encouragement in new people, but at the same time, there is strength in the ones we have come consistently. For now, that's been my own family and Jim and Judy Myre. I have great appreciated their faithfulness to our ministry. They came to Living Faith while we were there, and followed us to Word of Life. That's been about 17 years! Thank the Lord for their loyalty!

So, if you are reading this blog, I invite you to join us. We are really a "house" of God. We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 A.M. for about an hour and a half. We listen to preaching (that's me seeking to expound God's Word), respond to it with testimonies, sing hymns together (and I mean hymns), worship the Lord by giving our tithes and offerings, and pray together. We're small, and not perfect, but desire to be a living illustration of God's household in this day. You are welcome! We'd love to have you.

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